September 7, 2007

Not Losing Sight of Lordship Salvation

Dear Guests:

Greg Schliesmann’s new article, The “Christ” Under Siege will be posted on Monday morning.

The teaching of Zane Hodges and the GES on the “Crossless” gospel caught my attention in the summer of 2006. In May 2007, however, I was encouraged to take a closer look at the “Crossless” interpretation of the Gospel. Up until that time it seems to have been a subject that was being debated primarily by pastors and theologians. Now it seems to have generated wide spread interest to a great many believers across a broad spectrum of evangelical Christianity.

Historically, the Grace Evangelical Society (GES) came in to being to collectively combat the Lordship Salvation interpretation of the Gospel. Unfortunately, the leadership of the GES has drifted far from the balanced theological moorings it once enjoyed. Men who have departed the GES for safer doctrinal ground are primarily found in the Free Grace Alliance. Some simply refer to themselves as part of the “Free Grace community.”

With the Spring 2006 release of my book In Defense of the Gospel the reaction and attention was so wide spread that I felt it necessary to create this blog. The site was initially and only set up to address and deal with the interpretation of the Gospel known as Lordship Salvation. A shift in focus has quite obviously taken place at this site.

With so much attention focused on the “Crossless” gospel and the pending debate between Bob Wilkin and Ron Shea I do not want my guests to lose sight of the fact that Lordship Salvation is a works based, man-centered interpretation of the Gospel that frustrates grace (Gal. 2:21). Those who understand the inherent danger of Lordship Salvation's theology, must never lose sight of the urgency with which we, “should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered,” (Jude 3).

I am, therefore, providing links to some of the articles from my archives on Lordship Salvation. Please take a moment to peruse the following or more of the many related articles on Lordship Salvation. (See the labels section for some guidance to these.)

John MacArthur’s Costly Salvation

Lordship Salvation’s “Barter” System

The Relationship Between God’s Grace & Lordship Legalism

Is the Sermon on the Mount “Pure Gospel?”

Feel free to read these over the weekend. To reiterate, however, Greg Schliesmann’s new article, The “Christ” Under Siege will be posted on Monday morning.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. To All:

    I have just deleted one of the most scurrilous examples of character assassination I have ever witnessed or one could imagine. It was not directed at me, but against one of the men who takes a position against the “Crossless” gospel.

    If my tracking systems are accurate and up-to-date at time of this post, it reveals that the character assassination came from someone in or near either San Diego (very possibly Lakeside, or El Cajon) California or Brownsville, TexasIt was posted by an individual who took advantage of my allowing anonymous posting, which I have just discontinued allowing for.

    I have also enabled Comment Moderation. I’m sorry that I will have to preview every post before it is shown to the general public. What this Anonymous person posted was so reprehensible and low brow I can’t allow him/her to have free access at my site any longer.

    Who ever you are, that hid your identity, what you did leaves no doubt you are as contemptible and reprehensible example of the worst that can be found in Christian circles. There is no question you are motivated by evil thoughts and intentions.


  4. Update: My tracking systems show that who ever posted those scandalous comments almost certainly lives in San Diego, El Cajon, or Lakeside California.


  5. Hey Lou,

    I'm sorry you've had to change the posting policy here. I know that will slow down the conversation AND greatly increase your work load.

    The enemy doesn't want us to have a firm grasp of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    I know you'll be blessed either her or in Glory because of the work you have done. It could be that you'll have a new book to write soon too!


  6. Hi Kev:

    Tomorrow I am going to reopen unmoderated commenting, but not anonymous posting. I will, however, monitor very closely.

    After tonight I feel fairly confident that the man who posted what he did yesterday is very unlikely to do it again.


  7. To All:

    What follows is an open letter to Antonio da Rosa.

    Antonio da Rosa committed an act of criminal libel and defamation in this thread against Brother Ron Shea that for 18 months he covered up. See the two deleted comments at the start of this thread. I have the originals on file. It appears, however, that he privately confessed to it at this week's GES National Conference.

    Antonio (Anonymous [above] & The Truth Detector):

    On Tuesday Michele (Sanctification) posted the following to me from her blog:

    Also, you were right. Today in one of his sessions brother Antonio confessed to the thing which you have broadcast. I'm thankful to clear that brother's rep in my mind. It was at the start of his session and a sound guy walked up a little bit later and turned his mike on, so it may not show up on the mp3.”

    This morning Michele sent this to me, “He (da Rosa) is confessing over the unrighteous charge of another brother as you have presented it.”

    Nothing has been resolved because nothing has been confessed, apologized for and repented of.

    You publicly libeled and defamed Ron Shea in one of the most heinous ways imaginable and to a lesser degree offended me in the process. Yet you refuse to confess it publicly and repent of it. You refuse to publicly confess to the offended party, Ron Shea and seek reconciliation with him.

    All you did, and I’m sure at Wilkin’s insistence once he learned last week of what you did, is privately confess to being caught in yet another gross lapse in ethical behavior, and embarrassing GES. That is NOT biblical repentance. Your sin remains!

    Private sin needs private resolution. Public sin demands public resolution.

    Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift,” (Matt. 5:23-24).

    Your sin remains! Secretive confession is a dodge and is as sinful as the act itself. You have done nothing to lift the cloud of sin that hangs over you. The convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit is inescapable.

    You have not satisfied the demands of true biblical repentance and reconciliation. IMO, all you did was the political thing for GES to protect them and keep your workshop speaking opportunity in tact. The confession of your heinous libel and defamation of Brother Shea would have been enough reason for a responsible Christian leader to dismiss you from the speaking schedule. Wilkin, however, seems to have no minimal standards of Christian behavior that one might expect before featuring a speaker at his GES national conference.

    Do the right thing: Publicly confess your criminal libel and defamation of Brother Shea, which you committed at my blog and in subsequent e-mails to myself and Brother Shea.

    I will give you permission to post your public confession and apology to Brother Shea at my blog in the same thread in which you personally attacked him.

