March 7, 2011

In Defense of the Nation

This week my oldest son, Lcpl. Peter Martuneac (USMC), will be home with our family for pre-deployment leave. Later this month his battalion will deploy to Afghanistan. During the next week I want to give Pete and the family my full attention.

Over the next 7-10 days I will post one or more new and/or archived articles for your consideration. Comments will be uploaded. Later this month I will begin a new series with the Gospel as the main theme.

Pray for our all of our fighting forces who serve in defense of our nation.


  1. Proud of your son. Be sure to keep us updated.

    My son served in the USMC in Iraq

  2. Kirk Dickerson3/07/2011 1:53 PM

    We will pray for your son Lou.

  3. Thanks Kirk, we appreciate that.

    FWIW, Pete is Infantry, radio operator for his squad, also the chaplain's assistant for his platoon.

    We are very proud of him.


  4. Lou,

    I thank the Lord for all the families who sacrifice and serve as soldiers for our nation. It is no wonder that the Bible compares the godly separated Christian to a "good soldier." We will remember him and his family in our prayers, and pray God uses him to lead his fellow soldiers to Christ.

  5. Lou,
    Grew up in an Air Force town. ALWAYS proud to pray for a soldier serving this country, and will pray for your son.

  6. Steve/Brandon:

    We greatly appreciate your encouragement and prayers on behalf of Peter. We are very proud of what he is doing, but we are the parents and you can probably understand our emotions as he prepares to deploy.

    Naturally, the Corps fills these young warriors with vineger and they want to have at our country's enemies.

    We are especially proud that he is the chaplain's lay leader and has been be reaching these other young Marines for Christ. As he entered the Corps I told him that they will be his mission field and he is taking that opportunity serously.

    Thanks for the encouragement.


  7. Thank your son from all of us. The military is a great mission field not only a battle field.

  8. Tell your son that we'll be praying and are thankful for his work overseas.

  9. Lou-

    We will remember Peter in our prayers.


  10. Hi Lou,

    I'm not sure which is harder, being the one going away or watching someone leave - I've been on both sides of that equation.

    We will continue to pray for the troops serving, and specifically for your son.


  11. Kev:

    Thanks for that. First time for me. When we saw him off on Sunday night it was tough. You want to keep strong for him, but you die a little inside when he leaves your sight.


  12. FWIW:

    We'll be doing this again.

    Our 18yo son Jonathan is enlisted in the NAVY. Boot camp Sept-Nov then he will be in the Navy's two year Nuclear program in Charleston, SC.

