July 5, 2010

IDOTG Awareness Page at Middletown Bible Church Site

Dear Friends of IDOTG:

I am very pleased to inform you that Pastor George Zeller has added a new page to the Middletown Bible Church website to highlight the
revised and expanded edition of In Defense of the Gospel: Biblical Answers to Lordship Salvation (IDOTG).

You may be aware that Brother Zeller provided one of the two forewords that appear in the book. Here at my blog I highlighted his foreword earlier this year. You may read his foreword below.

In my opinion, George Zeller is one of the most prolific and penetrating writers in Bible believing circles today. He has written extensively on many doctrinal subjects including Calvinism and the works-based Lordship Salvation interpretation of the Gospel. As I noted above he has added a new page to help visitors to his site become aware of
IDOTG. You can view the new page through any one of three links as follows:

Follow this direct link to Zeller’s page
Biblical Answers to Lordship Salvation by Lou Martuneac

Look under
Saved by Grace Alone (and Lordship Salvation)

The Doctrinal Studies main page, look under The Doctrine of Salvation.

The church purchased by Jesus Christ must have a clear understanding of salvation by grace through faith. It is the very heart of the gospel message. Some have turned the grace of our God into lasciviousness or unbridled lust (Jude 4), thinking that since they are saved and going to heaven they can live any way they please. Others, rightly concerned about rampant carnality in the church, have distorted the simple gospel message and have burdened the sinner with additional requirements that extend well beyond simple faith in the crucified and risen One. The unsaved person is told that if he does not turn from sin, surrender, have a willingness to obey, fulfill the demands of discipleship, etc., then he cannot be saved. Sadly, the focus is turned away from the all sufficient, finished work of Christ which is the sinner’s only resting place. Lou Martuneac has presented the biblical balance between these two erroneous and extreme positions. In this confused theological climate, his book is like a breath of fresh air and deserves a wide reading.

Pastor George Zeller
Available Now: What to Expect, Part 4


  1. Hi Lou,

    I have finally started reading your new revised and expanded edition. I think Pastor Zeller gave a tremendous foreword for the work.

    Thank you for your intentionally balanced tone which is evident from the very front of this book.


  2. Thanks Kev. I appreciate that. Let me know your impressions you you read on.

