May 27, 2015
The term “secular”
is most often used as a contrast to that which is spiritual, so that the world
is divided into those two parts. That is actually a liberal concept.
Believers often divide the work of the local church into those two parts,
too. The problem is that, in the believer's life, there is no such thing
as secular or “non-spiritual”. The truth is that, for us, everything is a
spiritual responsibility, right down to our very thoughts.
down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of
Christ. (II
Corinthians 10:5)
In the local
church, we have made a false dichotomy because that allows us the freedom to do
it our own way. This is exactly what has been done in our personal lives
as well. Where did this human-based idea come from? This dangerous
insertion is the way of the world. It is rebellious man wanting to live
his life without spiritual intervention, to feel that he is in charge of his
world, the “captain” of his soul. Human government has used this to
strangle spiritual influence, and it is everywhere in the world around us.
Why did this
false idea spread so rapidly? One of the major reasons is that it has
been a centerpiece of our education systems, allowing man to answer the major
questions of life rather than following the plain, clear teaching of God’s
Word. From such areas as the source of life, to life after death, man has
forced his definitions on us. The most tragic issue is that so-called
Christian education has followed this concept blindly so that it would appear
to be intellectual.
There is no
question that many of our great educational institutions began with worthy
spiritual goals. It’s not that they were perfect or had the same
beginning; they moved from preparing preachers to creating scholars who despise
the concept of a sovereign God with absolutes. The sad thing is that many
current Christian institutions are neck- deep in this journey of the
secularization of Christian education. This is a difficult thing for us
to admit, but our very beliefs and the way we approach the Scripture is tainted
by the concept that we have a better idea than God.
The question
is why and how did this happen? It is as simple as reviewing the history
of Israel. They determined that God as their king was not enough; they
wanted to be like the other nations around them with a king they could see and
touch. (I Samuel 8) So God gave them Saul, who was the epitome of
“independent man,” who could live life the way he determined and yet have one
foot in the religious world. This is clearly demonstrated in I Samuel 15.
Saul, the secular/religious man, was actually the judgment of God on a
nation who wanted to have it both ways. This is exactly what Paul
describes with the “religious sinner” in Romans 2:17-29. You can’t have
it both ways and still have it God’s way.
In all
honesty, state or federal schools are not public. They do not represent
the general public; they reflect the view of the elite, who continue to
experiment on unsuspecting people. Humanistic education will claim that
it is free-thinking and intellectual, but the truth is that state schools
function by “indoctrination”. That is exactly why, since the 1030’s,
socialism has blossomed into the entitlement society we live in today.
Please don’t
use the old lame excuse of there still being some good Christian teachers and
administration in the system. Looking at the whole, their number is so
small they barely appear on the charts. Talk about believers bailing out
of the educational system is also poorly thought through. When schools
were local and community-oriented, our presence was effective; but today the
ACLU has more influence on the schools than all of us put together!
education has been unduly influenced by the humanist agenda. We were
taught to think like they do. This liberal mindset is neck-deep in our
own schools. We copied so many of their errors in an effort to be
intellectual that now we not only think like the world, but also act like the
world. A couple of illustrations from the pool of thousands will suffice.
We were the people of absolutes and truth, with God and His Word as a
standard; now we think that all views are right, and you cannot say that other
people are wrong. People do have a right to their own views, but there is
only one truth. We need to be kind and polite, but that doesn’t extend to our
giving credence to error. All of this has affected our theology, too.
There is only one right interpretation of a Bible text, but we act like
we are not really sure, and they just may be right. Instead of being a
matter of black and white, truth has turned gray.
We wanted to
be approved by them, and in doing so we became like them. The demise of
the Bible college movement is a result of this terrible compromise. What
do the intellectual heathen know about what God wants our academic standard to
be? Herein is the great failure. In Christian education, we have
divided life into secular and spiritual. That is our excuse for allowing
men and women who hate our God and us to tell us how education is best
accomplished. Of course, most every one of us reading this was trained to
think with a liberal mindset, and that is why Christian education has become secularized.
We act, think, talk, and smell like our culture rather than having the
sweet smell of truth and holiness.
Staff is prepared by Clay Nuttall, D. Min
May 12, 2015
A Critical Review of the “GRACE Final Report” on Bob Jones University
has been reported and discussed about the Grace
Report. Here is a critical review, for your consideration, by
Martin Bobgan of PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries. Sample excerpts include:
“GRACE has an integrationist view,
which is a Bible-plus-psychology orientation…. GRACE’s partnerships include the
American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). They [AACC] are guilty of psychoheresy in that they do not believe in the
sufficiency of Scripture for the issues of life normally counseled by
psychotherapists and have substituted or integrated the psychological wisdom of
men for what God has already provided in His Word.”
“I do not know Dr. Jones III, in whose
defense I will be coming, or anyone else at BJU. However, I am in disagreement with GRACE’s recommended ‘personnel action
upon Dr. Jones, III.’ GRACE has erred grievously and egregiously in this
ill-supported recommendation. GRACE’s ignorance and naiveté about college
governance and the delegation of responsibility would be forgivable if their
report were private, but when they impugn the reputation of Dr. Jones III
publicly with their insupportable reasoning, it is appalling!”
“The worst part of the GRACE Report is
the seemingly smug and self-righteous, overblown, undeserved indignation
against BJU.”
“I hope and
pray that Bob Jones University does not fall victim to GRACE’s shocking and
spiritually scandalous suggestions and solutions to remedy any deficiencies and
particularly that the BJU Board rejects and reacts against GRACE’s proposed
persecution of Dr. Jones III. While psychoheresy is the primary reason I took
on this task, the auxiliary reason was because of the outright, outrageous, and
outlandish recommendation against Dr. Jones III, whom I do not know.”
See, A Critical Review of the “GRACE Final Report”on Bob Jones University pdf for the complete review.
Posted by
Lou Martuneac
3:00 PM
Labels: Bob Jones University
May 8, 2015
Dr. Rick Flanders: “Recant, Or Else!”
“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
(Matthew 5:10)
For two thousand years,
Christians have been persecuted in many places all over the world for teaching
and practicing their faith. This is not
new. And news sources are telling us of
places where Muslim radicals are giving Christian believers an ultimatum today which
amounts to “Convert or die!” Many are
dying for their faith. Strangely
however, a similar ultimatum is about to be presented to Christians in the
United States. Changes in the law are
mandating that believers violate their consciences and their faith or suffer a
variety of consequences. The truth is
that the First Amendment to our Constitution was adopted some 225 years ago to
prevent such a situation by guaranteeing the “free exercise” of religion. Unfortunately the political events of recent
years have worked tonegate that guarantee and will soon force Christians to
choose between obeying God and obeying the government. Is there not a way to reverse the course of
the ship of state and avoid the imminent collision of religion and government?
The issue that is producing this
conflict is the proposal by progressives to re-define marriage to include the
union of homosexual “lovers.” Marriage
has always had a logical and needful definition making two people of the
opposite sex into one legally for many reasons, and nations of all times and
places have historically recognized this traditional and rational
definition. The viewpoint of
civilization has been consistent about what marriage is. But in recent years, when laws that
reaffirmed the traditional definition of marriage were adopted by the people of
certain states, they were called by opponents in the media “bans on same-sex
marriage.” This label of course was
misleading. You might as well speak of a
“ban on the jackalope.” Of course, there
is no such thing as the jackalope, and so there cannot be a ban on the
species. A list of animals native to a
certain region cannot be said to ban the jackalope if that mythical creature is
not on the list! Likewise there is no
such thing in our society as same-sex “marriage,” and so a law defining marriage
in the time-honored way ought not reasonably to be called a “ban” on faulty
definitions. The effect of these laws is
to discard false definitions by affirming the right one, but labeling them as
bans on homosexual marriage gives the impression that they bring a form of
persecution to a segment of the population.
The laws simply fortify the right definition of marriage against the
attacks of the irrational. They do not
take away anybody’s rights. Contrary to the
misleading propaganda, it is not the homosexual community that is being
When the law calls for the
acceptance of these “marriages,” those whose religion prevents them from
recognizing or accepting them will suffer persecution. Already Christian business-owners have been
run out of business for refusing to cater “gay weddings.” How will the revision of civil-rights laws to
cover the interests of same-sex couples affect consistent Christians? Will there be fines, penalties, or jail time
for those who refuse to recognize same-sex marriages as marriages or
participate in same-sex weddings? Will the
changes in the law bring churches into legal trouble that teach and practice
the Bible? The Bible condemns homosexual
activity as sinful, just as it condemns heterosexual acts committed out of
“Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of
their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: who changed
the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than
the Creator, who is blessed for ever.
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affection: for even their
women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and
likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their
lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and
receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”
(Paul’s Epistle to
the Romans, Chapter one, verses 24 through 27)
Bible-believing Christians cannot
go against the teaching of scripture, no matter what the government tells them
to do, or not to do. Look up Acts 5:29. The Christians have no choice.
Will ministers who decline to
perform same-sex marriage ceremonies be denied the right to perform other
weddings? Will churches with policies
against homosexual activity or same-sex marriage lose tax-exemption or
incorporation? How many churches in the
United States will fold under the burdens the new anti-Christian public policy
will bring upon them?
Somewhere this week ISIS will
demand that a Christian renounce his faith, or die. Someday soon Christians in our country will
be told to abandon their religion or suffer serious consequences. “Progressive” activists don’t seem to
understand that a person with religious convictions cannot just change! In order to accept same-sex marriage, the
Christian must reject the divine origin and authority of scripture. In order to do that, he must reject the teachings
of Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior. He
must recant his faith in order to make the change. And a Christian cannot do that.
True believers in Christ will not
shrink from suffering for Him, but do Americans want to make them suffer? Is it the will of the people that large
numbers of decent citizens suffer for their faith in the Land of the Free? Some think that the trouble caused for
Christiansby progressive politics is a matter of unintended consequences,
collateral damage. Others suppose that
the suppression of Biblical Christianity is actually a goal of powerful progressives,
and that believers are in the cross-hairs of their sites. Whatever the truth is about why this is
happening, the ugly face of religious persecution is coming quickly to America,
disguised as tolerance and equality, and only Americans can stop it.
“If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him
glorify God on this behalf.”
(First Peter 4:16)
Dr. Rick Flanders
Revival Ministries
Posted by
Lou Martuneac
12:00 AM
Labels: America, Marriage, Rick Flanders
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