Are We Now Going to Lose Pensacola Christian College?
In my previous article, I cited Dr. Ernest Pickering at length. He cautioned,
"...a man is more than his pulpit message. He brings to the pulpit a lifetime of associations, actions and perhaps writings. He comes as a total person. Is he in his total ministry the type of person you would want the young people at the separatist college to emulate?" (Implementing Separatist Convictions)
Following Pickering's excerpt I closed with a statement I recall from the years I was on faculty at Pensacola Christian College (PCC). "Show me your friends, show me who you will associate yourself with and I will show you what you are now or soon will be."
Every time a fundamentalist, separatist college took a hard left away from its historic legacy to embrace non-separatist evangelicalism, Reformed and/or Covenant theology disaster soon followed. The school either became New Evangelical (Wheaton, Cedarville, Liberty) or closed its doors (Pillsbury, TTU, Northland, Clearwater, Calvary Seminary).With great sadness I learned that on Wednesday evening February 26 PCC hosted former Bob Jones University (BJU) president Steve Pettit for preaching at the Campus Church and on the 27th in the college chapel. Pettit is a Reformed theologian; he is among the "new" Calvinists, and he is an ecumenical compromiser. Steve Pettit had a role in the ultimate demise of Northland International University. His agenda, over nine years as BJU president, almost completely unraveled the university's historic fundamentalist legacy, which irreparably damaged BJU. Pettit's record is not hidden away in a vacuum. A simple vetting of Pettit before inviting him to speak in chapel, would uncover all these things.
Hosting Steve Pettit suggests that PCC may have embarked on the same path that ruined the schools mentioned above. It's possible that our churches may have already lost another balanced separatist Christian College.
On a personal level learning of PCC putting Steve Pettit in the chapel pulpit felt like a gut punch. During my tenure on PCC faculty (1987-92) inviting a man with Pettit's resume and doctrinal positions would have been unthinkable. Over the years schools will moderate in some areas, such as dress and music. This is true of PCC, which I have been moderately concerned with. But none of those things rise to the level of consternation and disappointment I felt seeing Steve Pettit (an ecumenical compromiser, Reformed theologian, non-separatist evangelical) in the chapel pulpit of PCC.
With a saddened heart,
Related Reading
Will They Never Learn? Every Failed School Veered From its Conservative, Historic Base