October 29, 2022

IFCA Meddling in the Affairs of BJU

ast week I published a brief article about BJU president Steve Pettit and the current state of affairs regarding whether or not the board will renew his contract. Return to, Steve Pettit's Tenure at BJU in Question 
for details.

Yesterday I received a carbon of an email that passed through two other hands before it came to me. The author allowed for and encouraged it being forwarded to others.

The author of the email and its recipients' ministries are publicly trying to whip up a mob to pressure BJU's board. The sender and two recipients of the email are as follows:
Dave Deets

-Dave Deets, in Fairview, NC, is the vice president of ministries in The Institute of Biblical Leadership (IBL). See:    https://www.iblministry.org/about/team

 -Bud Haskell is secretary and on the board of Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA) International, California Church Extension.

 -Richard Bargas is executive director of IFCA, International California  IFCA International.

Deets, Haskell, Bargas the IFCA & IBL are meddling regarding the internal affairs of BJU. I post their email that these men might be reproved (2 Tim. 3:16-17and biblically repent of their deed.


From: Dave Deets <daved@iblministry.org>

Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 11:41 AM

To: Bud Haskell <bhaskell425@gmail.com>

Cc: Richard Bargas <bargas@ifca.org>

Subject: Help for Dr. Steve Pettit and Bob Jones University

Men of the IFCA:

I am writing to you with the full support and approval of Dr. Bargas:

As many of you are aware, Bob Jones University has hosted our CORPs retreat for the past 5 years. For that, we are deeply grateful. Many of you joined a zoom meeting last year after the CORPs retreat and heard about the challenges that were happening between those in the Foundations Baptist Fellowship movement and their influence over the board. Many of you responded with emails and letters of support to Dr. Pettit, Dr. Benson, and Dr. Wood. I wanted to give you an update on things.

Two weeks ago, the faculty and staff gave Dr. Pettit a standing ovation for his work at BJU and the systematic and intentional changes that have been made. Immediately following the standing ovation, the Chairman of the Board stood up and addressed the Faculty and Staff and let them know that the board was seriously considering not renewing his contract and would in essence be terminating him as President. The reasons for this have been written about in a number of Fundamental Baptist blogs. Among the concerns that have been written about are:

• Steve is no longer a separationist because he allowed the students to participate in packing Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes last year as part of their campus outreach

• Steve is an ecumenical because he has preached at a couple of area Presbyterian churches, so far the IFCA has not been named in the demise of the ecumenicism, but I do know that some have issues with Steve’s participation with us

• Steve has allowed the women to wear pants to class

• Steve has allowed the parents to determine what church their children will attend. For a few of you, you will remember we had this conversation with Steve and Sam and other administrators when the University flew 4 or 5 of us down there several years ago

 To that end, there has been a petition created to show support for and encouragement for Steve Pettit and the administration of Bob Jones. I am fully aware of the history of BJU and I am also super appreciative as an alumnus of what is happening. My son Caleb is a Junior there this year and I can testify first hand of his growth in his spiritual life and maturity and development as a Christ-honoring young man thanks to the influence of the faculty, staff, and administration.

Please sign this petition
[Link Deleted by Site Publisher]

 If you would be so kind as to sign this petition and if you would like to share this on your social media feeds or in other venues. I know that some of you have had Steve come and preach for you and bring the musical groups to your church. If there are those in your church that you would like to make aware of this petition, please feel free to send this to them.

Thank you so much men and please let me know if you have questions.

Dave Deets D.Min.
Vice President of Ministries

October 26, 2022

Steve Pettit's Tenure at BJU in Question

 Word has been circulating that Dr. Steve Pettit may not be retained as president of BJU. What we know is that his contract is up for a three year renewal and its renewal is not automatic.  There is an effort by supporters of Pettit to pressure the Executive Committee (EC) and Board of Trustees (BoT) to retain him as president.  An online petition was posted yesterday seeking signatures to support retaining Pettit. It states,

Our president is under evaluation for a renewal of his contract in the coming months. It is vital for the student body, faculty, and any others to show their support for Dr. Steve Pettit.

The college president works at the pleasure of the board. The people pushing for him to stay are pushing against the school's ultimate authority. Worse yet, they are doing it in a public forum, which is against the principles of 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 and fails to consider the lessons taught when the people of Israel murmured against Moses.

Many believe Steve Pettit's relentless effort to erase the school's fundamentalist, separatist legacy demands his removal. Many egregious examples can be accessed below.

Pray for the EC and BoT. They will be targeted to capitulate to mob like pressure.


Proceed to: IFCA Meddling in the Affairs of BJU

Related Reading:

FACTS: An Enlarged Discussion By Dr. David Beale

Steve Pettit Issues a Statement: Is There Nothing More to See Here?

BJU Embraces Franklin Graham's Ecumenical Movement

"Cooperating with Franklin Graham was an act of sinful disobedience to the Word of God. It is an example of ecumenical encroachment at BJU that was heartily endorsed by Steve Pettit." 

BJU Lurches Further Into Evangelicalism

BJU Subtle Rejection of Ecclesiastical Separation: Is This Northland All Over Again?

"This is Not Your Father's Oldsmobile," and Neither is BJU